Isnin, 8 Oktober 2018

The bad effects for human when rely too much on Technology

Nowadays, technology is an important thing to human. Its a miracle to human life ,but how someone uses it creates the good and the bad versions of technology. It will turn bad if someone were too rely on the technology. Actually , these items have become a part of our lives that is indispensable and there is no chance of lacking or losing item.Technology has enough cons to make us doubt the utility of this marvelous invention in our lives. Some of the serious cons that i would like to throw light were explained below.
Hasil carian imej untuk human rely on technology

The first bad effect when we're to rely on technology is make us disconnection from what society should value most, children. Rather than hugging, playing, rough housing, and conversing with children, parents are increasingly resorting to providing their children with more TV, video games, and the latest iPads and cell phone devices, creating a deep and irreversible chasm between parent and child. In fact , there is drastic change compared to the early years where kids used to spend a lot time with each other or parents playing or just sharing stories. Those evening games after school is over, watching cartoons on a Sunday or playing with are no longer there . Today , more than 75% of kids remain indoors playing computer games or with smartphone . 

 Secondly, the bad effect when we're to rely on technology is we will have addiction to social media. it also make our focus on real life were decreased and cause a lack of privacy. For example , when we constantly check our social media websites, upload status or playing games. While performing all these distracting task , we forget the essence of life and the need live in the moment.And with a few clicks on the keyboard we can find anyone's address and contact information. So they can use of phishing, viruses and hacking that helps to find any information they wish to obtain. With this they can easily know the life story of someone on Facebook. Also not forget about the selfie addiction which is now named as an official mental disorder

Hasil carian imej untuk why too relying on technology also can effect on human's health

Other than that, too relying on technology also can effect on human's health. It can effect on eyes which is causes blurred vision and migraines , an eyestrain can also cause the headache. The blue light that come from the smartphone screen fills energy in you. Your eyes will be effected by the blue light can cause eyestrain . According to The Vision Council , the short answer is yes. They write , "Many individuals suffer from physical eye discomfort after screen use for longer than two hours at a time" Have you ever looked at your phone in the middle of the night , only to be partially by the brightness? our eyes did not develop to read tiny text on tiny screen with bright lights. It's not only our eyes that may be affected . Some worry that digital eye strain may also affected your head, neck and shoulders , depending on your posture as you use different devices . If you find yourself with seemingly causeless head and neck aches. you might want to consider adjusting your posture and or reducing your screen time a bit . You could try reading a book , going for a a walk , etc

Last but not least , most of the people do not invent, they do business to solve people problem. They can sell anything and every human being is targeted, customers. They are collecting data, what you search, where you click, what you buy, how you react to certain copywriter’s text. This is impacting our life because they are creating products based on our search results and technologies habits. All are doing searches, everyone wants to read the easy explanation, people don’t have time to think, and they do searches. Why think? When there are search engines who give even instant suggestions to search this or that. We‘re not able to think critically that’s why we are inventing artificial intelligence for future generation. The positive is we can get knowledge and information and data by using technology. But the negative is too much data, overload of information and overuse of technology equipment making us addict to the tech tools.

Imej yang berkaitan

To summarize, technology changed peoples lives either the better or  worse. It’s up to us to know the consequences of what we’re creating, and be able to make prudent decisions for the betterment of humanity.

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